
    Source apportionment and spatial heterogeneity of agricultural non-point source pollution based on water environmental function zoning

    • 摘要: 通过清单分析方法和等标污染负荷法,以乡镇为单元研究了上海市化肥施用、有机肥施用、农作物秸秆、畜禽养殖、水产养殖、农村生活污水等农业面源污染来源化学需氧量(COD)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)等污染物的排放量及其贡献率,并根据各区域水环境功能区划分别在区县尺度和乡镇尺度分析了农业面源污染程度及其区域分布。结果表明,上海市农业面源污染COD、TN、TP实物排放量分别为4.42×104、1.13×104、0.44×104 t/a,相应的等标排放量分别为0.16×104、0.93×104、1.65×104 m3/a,最主要污染源为畜禽养殖,其等标污染负荷比达到66.31 %,最主要污染物为TP,其等标污染负荷比达到60.32 %。各区县因农业面源污染引起的COD、TN、TP排放质量浓度分别为4.16~40.91、1.30~8.71、0.23~4.94 mg/L,各区县农业面源污染水质平均指数在0.67~5.91之间,主要污染乡镇分布在上海南部以及崇明岛等农业产值相对较高且距离水源保护区较近的远郊区域。


      Abstract: Taking township as basic unit, the inventory analysis method and equivalent standard method were conducted to determine the discharge amount of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) from different types of agricultural non-point sources, including chemical fertilizer application, animal manure application, crop straws, animal husbandry, aquaculture and rural sewage. The impact of agricultural non-point source pollution (ANPSP) on water environment and its spatial heterogeneity were analyzed based on water environmental function zoning at the scales of county and town. The results indicated that, the absolute discharge amount of COD, TN and TP from ANPSP were 4.42×104, 1.13×104, 0.44×104 t/a respectively, and the discharge amount in equivalent standard were 0.16×104, 0.93×104, 1.65×104 m3/a respectively. The primary pollution source was animal husbandry, which load ratio in equivalent standard reached 66.31%, and the primary pollutant was TP, which load ratio in equivalent standard reached 60.32%. Discharge concentration of COD, TN and TP caused by ANPSP in different districts were in the range of 4.16–40.91, 1.30–8.71, 0.23–4.94 mg/L respectively, while the average water quality index ranged from 0.67 to 5.91. From the point view of town-based pollution stress, the pollution extent of the towns in South Shanghai and Chongming Island was much higher, which had greater agriculture productive value and located near the water conservation area with stricter water quality standards.


