
    Relationship between cone index and shear strength of remolded clayey soil

    • 摘要: 为了定量评价轮式车辆在软黏土条件的附着、牵引及通过性能并建立软黏土的圆锥指数与抗剪强度关系,采用非标准普式击实法制备黏土试样,分别通过微型贯入试验与直剪试验得到重塑黏土的圆锥指数与抗剪强度,发现23%含水率是二者变化趋势的分界点,重塑土样的含水率低于该值时其圆锥指数与抗剪强度都随含水率呈二次多项式关系变化,而在高于该临界含水率时二者都随含水率呈线性关系变化。同样,在23%含水率以下圆锥指数与抗剪强度线性相关,而当含水率高于临界点后该线性关系消失。抛开含水率变化的影响,临界含水率以下的重塑样圆锥指数与抗剪强度关系仍然总体呈线性相关关系。


      Abstract: In order to acquire the cone index (CI) and shear strength (SS) of the remolded soil, quantification of the adhesion and traction performance of wheeled vehicle and its trafficability on clayey soil were conducted by remolding the soil with non-standard proctor compaction and performing micro-penetration and shearing tests. A threshold value of soil moisture content, 23% by mass, was found to change the trend of CI and SS with variety of soil water content. Below this threshold value, both CI and SS were found to follow a 2nd order polynomial trend with variety of water content increase, while higher above this value, the correlation between CI and soil moisture content or SS and soil moisture content vanished. Another notable result was an overall linear correlation between CI and SS of the remolded soil when its water content was lower than the threshold value.


