仇 莹, 朱忠祥, 毛恩荣, 宋正河, 刘 慧, 徐 静, 李晨程. 农业装备驾驶室虚拟人机工程学设计与评价[J]. 农业工程学报, 2011, 27(3): 117-121.
    引用本文: 仇 莹, 朱忠祥, 毛恩荣, 宋正河, 刘 慧, 徐 静, 李晨程. 农业装备驾驶室虚拟人机工程学设计与评价[J]. 农业工程学报, 2011, 27(3): 117-121.
    Qiu Ying, Zhu Zhongxiang, Mao Enrong, Song Zhenghe, Liu Hui, Xu Jing, Li Chencheng. Virtual ergonomics design and evaluation of agricultural equipment cab[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2011, 27(3): 117-121.
    Citation: Qiu Ying, Zhu Zhongxiang, Mao Enrong, Song Zhenghe, Liu Hui, Xu Jing, Li Chencheng. Virtual ergonomics design and evaluation of agricultural equipment cab[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2011, 27(3): 117-121.


    Virtual ergonomics design and evaluation of agricultural equipment cab

    • 摘要: 以拖拉机和联合收割机等典型农业装备驾驶室为研究对象,建立了基于元件类型、元件、元件特征参数的“顶层、中间层、底层”三层驾驶室人机界面评价指标体系;利用OpenGL参数化模型设计方法和虚拟现实交互技术,研究了驾驶室分层次模糊综合评判的客观评价方法与基于虚拟漫游交互的主观评价方法;基于VS.NET 开发系统和Multigen Vega Prime仿真平台,开发了农业装备驾驶室虚拟人机工程学设计与评价系统。对某国产拖拉机的应用结果表明,基于所开发系统的客观评价和虚拟试验评价结果基本一致,可作为一种设计和评价农业装备驾驶室的重要手段。


      Abstract: In this paper, ergonomics and virtual reality were used to evaluate the agricultural equipment cab. Firstly, typical agricultural equipments such as tractors and combine harvesters were chosen as the research object. The ergonomics evaluation index system was established, and parametric model was designed by using OpenGL and virtual reality system was developed for interactive features. The objective evaluation method based on hierarchical fuzzy synthetically evaluation and subjective evaluation method based on virtual cruise and interaction were researched. Finally, based on VS.NET development system and Multigen Vega Prime VR platform, the virtual ergonomics design and evaluation system for agricultural equipment was realized. The cab of a tractor was built and evaluated through the system. The results show that the system is an important approach to design and evaluate agricultural equipment cab.


