钱建平, 杨信廷, 刘学馨, 吴晓明, 范蓓蕾. 农产品快速图形化追溯系统构建[J]. 农业工程学报, 2011, 27(3): 167-171.
    引用本文: 钱建平, 杨信廷, 刘学馨, 吴晓明, 范蓓蕾. 农产品快速图形化追溯系统构建[J]. 农业工程学报, 2011, 27(3): 167-171.
    Qian Jianping, Yang Xinting, Liu Xuexin, Wu Xiaoming, Fan Beilei. Development of quick graphics traceability system for agricultural products[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2011, 27(3): 167-171.
    Citation: Qian Jianping, Yang Xinting, Liu Xuexin, Wu Xiaoming, Fan Beilei. Development of quick graphics traceability system for agricultural products[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2011, 27(3): 167-171.


    Development of quick graphics traceability system for agricultural products

    • 摘要: 农产品快速图形化溯源是保障追溯过程可信度、增强追溯结果显示度、提高公众参与度的重要措施。该文以基于地理坐标和多重加密的农产品追溯码为编码方式,以Google Earth地图为展示工具,设计了以“正确性判断-追溯码解析-产地定位-属性追溯-结果显示”为主线的追溯流程;通过调用Google Maps API,采用.Net平台构建了基于B/S架构的农产品快速图形化溯源系统。系统通过在广州市农产品质量安全监管平台的使用表明,系统在满足一般属性追溯的同时,可快速定位到产地并以地图的形式展示,体现了溯源图形化、应急定位快速化的特点,有利于追溯系统的推广应用和质量安全突发事件的应急管理。


      Abstract: Quick graphics traceability of agricultural products is an important means, which can ensure the reliability of traceability process, enhance the visibility of traceability results and improve the public participation. A traceability flow was designed based on the trace coding method with geographical coordinates and multiple encryption and display tool of Google Earth. Its mainline was composed of correctness validation, trace code analysis, production area orientation, attribute tracing and result display. Then, a quick graphics traceability system for agricultural products was developed with Browser/Server (B/S) structure, by adopting .Net platform and calling Google Maps API. The system was used in the Supervision and Management Platform for Agricultural Product Quality Safety in Guangzhou. The results showed that this system reflected the characters of graphics tracing and quick orientation to improve the traditional traceability system. The system is favorable for extending the application of traceability systems and the management of emergency incidents for agricultural product quality safety.


