刘镕源, 王纪华, 杨贵军, 黄文江, 李伟国, 常 红, 李小文. 冬小麦叶面积指数地面测量方法的比较[J]. 农业工程学报, 2011, 27(3): 220-224.
    引用本文: 刘镕源, 王纪华, 杨贵军, 黄文江, 李伟国, 常 红, 李小文. 冬小麦叶面积指数地面测量方法的比较[J]. 农业工程学报, 2011, 27(3): 220-224.
    Liu Rongyuan, Wang Jihua, Yang Guijun, Huang Wenjiang, Li Weiguo, Chang Hong, Li Xiaowen. Comparison of ground-based LAI measuring methods on winter wheat[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2011, 27(3): 220-224.
    Citation: Liu Rongyuan, Wang Jihua, Yang Guijun, Huang Wenjiang, Li Weiguo, Chang Hong, Li Xiaowen. Comparison of ground-based LAI measuring methods on winter wheat[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2011, 27(3): 220-224.


    Comparison of ground-based LAI measuring methods on winter wheat

    • 摘要: 该研究以冬小麦为对象,对叶面积指数测量的几种方法(比叶重法、照相法及SUNSCAN测量法)从测量难易程度、误差来源、适宜条件等方面做了比较分析与评价。研究表明比叶重法及照相法在整个生育期间均可使用,而基于SUNSCAN的仪器测量法在冬小麦封垄前的测量还需进一步研究。对SUNSCAN一天内不同时间测量的结果进行了比较,得出最适宜测量时间为13:00-15:00。照相法的测量精度最高,比叶重法次之,SUNSCAN测量需要根据作物生长特点做参数修正。针对SUNSCAN测量LAI提出了一种对叶倾角分布参数进行修正的方法,对3种冬小麦株型品种3个不同生育期进行了参数修正。该研究有助于地面测量叶面积指数的方法选择,同时对提高SUNSCAN测量精度具有参考意义。


      Abstract: This paper compared three ground-based LAI measuring methods (lamina mass per unit area method (LMA), a photographic method and SUNSCAN measurement) from three aspects: maneuverability, error sources and suitable condition and presented a preliminary analysis result. It was found that the LMA method and photographic method can be used during the whole growth stage of winter wheat, while SUNSCAN method should be further studied at the early growth stage before sealing ridges. SUNSCAN measurement was taken once per hour in a day, and the result showed the best time for measurement is from 13 to 15 o’clock. The photographic method revealed higher accuracy than LMA method. It is suggested that the measurement of SUNSCAN needs to process a revision of the anger distribution parameter according to the characteristic of winter wheat in different growth stage. This paper presented a method to revise the angle distribution parameter of SUNSCAN, and applied this method to three varieties of winter wheat on three typical growth stages.


