金志凤, 黄敬峰, 李 波, 罗列万, 姚益平, 李仁忠. 基于GIS及气候-土壤-地形因子的浙江省茶树栽培适宜性评价[J]. 农业工程学报, 2011, 27(3): 231-236.
    引用本文: 金志凤, 黄敬峰, 李 波, 罗列万, 姚益平, 李仁忠. 基于GIS及气候-土壤-地形因子的浙江省茶树栽培适宜性评价[J]. 农业工程学报, 2011, 27(3): 231-236.
    Jin Zhifeng, Huang Jingfeng, Li Bo, Luo Liewan, Yao Yiping, Li Renzhong. Suitability evaluation of tea trees cultivation based on GIS in Zhejiang Province[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2011, 27(3): 231-236.
    Citation: Jin Zhifeng, Huang Jingfeng, Li Bo, Luo Liewan, Yao Yiping, Li Renzhong. Suitability evaluation of tea trees cultivation based on GIS in Zhejiang Province[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2011, 27(3): 231-236.


    Suitability evaluation of tea trees cultivation based on GIS in Zhejiang Province

    • 摘要: 进行茶树栽培精细化的综合区划研究可为浙江省茶叶产业的规划布局提供科学依据。该文根据茶叶产量与气象、地形、土壤条件的相关分析,提出了茶树栽培综合区划指标为4个气候因子(年平均气温、稳定通过10℃的积温、极端最低气温≤-13℃出现的频率和4-10月的平均相对湿度)、2个土壤因子(土壤类型和土壤质地)和3个地形因子(坡度、坡向和海拔高度)。应用混合插值法(趋势面模拟+残差内插)对气候因子进行了细网格推算;采用加权指数求和法,建立了茶树栽培的综合区划评估模型,借助GIS技术,计算了综合评估指数的分布规律,参照土地利用现状,屏蔽不宜栽培区域,将浙江省茶树栽培区域划分为适宜、较适宜和不适宜3个等级,完成茶树专题综合区划图。结果表明,浙江省适宜茶树栽培的地域面积约占46.40%,主要分布在海拔高度为600~900 m的半高山地区;较适宜区占44.94%,多分布在600 m以下的平原、丘陵和低山区或介于900~1 200 m的山区;不适宜区占8.66%,为1 200 m以上的高山地区。结合茶叶生产现状,对浙江省茶树栽培的适宜性进行了分区评述,为浙江茶叶生产提供了依据。


      Abstract: A precisely comprehensive regionalization of tea trees cultivation can provide a scientific basis for the optimal distribution of tea industry in Zhejiang. Based on the analysis of the relationships among tea yield, meteorological conditions, topographic conditions, and soil conditions, this study proposed comprehensive regionalization indices including 4 climate factors (the annual mean temperature, the annual accumulated temperature above 10℃, the frequency of extreme low temperature below –13℃ and the mean humidity in 4–10 months), 2 soil factors (soil type, soil texture) and 3 topographic factors(slope, aspect, altitude). Mixed interpolation methods (the trend surface modeling and residual interpolation) were applied to calculate grids of climate factors. Methods of the exponential weighted algorithm were adopted to establish the evaluation model of comprehensive regionalization of the cultivation of tea trees. The distribution of comprehensive evaluation indices was calculated based on GIS. Non-planting areas were extracted from the land-use map, and the comprehensive regionalization of tea tree cultivation was completed and divided into 3 classes including suitable, sub-suitable and unsuitable regions. The results showed that the suitable, sub-suitable and unsuitable regions of tea trees cultivation account for 46.40%, 44.94% and 8.66% respectively. The suitable region was mainly distributed at the altitude of 600-900m in the semi-alpine areas. The sub-suitable region was mainly distributed below the altitude of 600m in plains, hilly and low mountains or between the altitude of 900-1 200 mountains. The unsuitable regions was mainly distributed in the mountainous areas which was higher than the altitude of 1 200 m. Considering the current cultivation of tea, the planting suitability was discussed for each class, which provides a technical support for tree production in Zhejiang.


