
    Characteristics of inferior variation of water environment and regulating capacity of groundwater reservoir in Jinghui Canal Irrigation District of China

    • 摘要: 为确保泾惠渠灌区水环境安全及地下水资源的可持续开发利用,该文通过对20世纪80年代以来泾惠渠灌区地表水和地下水环境劣变特征分析,重点指出了灌区地下水环境劣变的严重性,同时也证实了对地下水实施涵养调蓄的必要性。从取水条件、地下库容、蓄水水源和蓄水方式4个方面论证了灌区具备良好地下水调蓄能力,并利用体积疏干法对灌区各测站的地下调蓄库容进行计算,确定出灌区最大调蓄库容达6.46亿m3,年调蓄库容0.281亿m3。提出对灌区春、夏两季适当加大地表灌溉力度,并针对调蓄空间较大的石桥、泾阳等站进行优先调蓄,实现灌区“以井补渠,以渠养井”,即涵养了当地地下水资源,又有利于灌区水资源的可持续利用,最终保障了灌区的生态环境及粮食安全。


      Abstract: To ensure the safety of water environment and sustainable utilization of groundwater resource, the severity of inferior variation in Jinghui Canal Irrigation District was pointed out, and the necessity to carry out regulating capacity of groundwater reservior was confirmed by analyzing characteristics of inferior variation of water environment since 1980s. Irrigation district was verified to possess ability for regulating capacity of groundwater reservior by water intaking condition, groundwater reservior, water source for reserve and reserve pattern. The regulating capacity of groundwater reservoir of each observation station was calculated through capacity drainage method, 6.46×108 m3 could be regarded as the maximal regulating capacity of groundwater reservoir, 0.281×108 m3 regulating capacity of groundwater reservoir per year. The results indicated that utilization of surface water should be intensified in Spring and Summer properly, Shiqiao and Jingyang stations should take precedence to reserve groundwater in view of larger regulating capacity of groundwater reservoir and water supply ability, and promote to realize “replenish channels by wells, conserve wells by channels”. All of these can not only reserve local groundwater resource, but also contribute to sustainable utilization of water resource, and ultimately guarantee eco-environment and cereals safety in irrigation district.


