
    Effects of degradable film on soil temperature, moisture and growth of maize

    • 摘要: 针对普通地膜覆盖导致的农田土壤污染现象,进行了可降解地膜、普通地膜覆盖及露地栽培玉米对比试验,探讨可降解地膜对土壤温度、土壤水分、玉米生长发育、产量及相关农艺性状的影响。结果表明,与露地栽培相比,可降解地膜覆盖能明显提高玉米播种后2个月的地表和地下10 cm的土壤温度,增加玉米播种至大喇叭口期0~20 cm、>20~40 cm的土壤水分含量,使玉米生育进程加快,出苗率和拔节期节根层数及条数增加,玉米不同生育时期株高、叶面积及地上部干物质积累量增加,玉米穗粒数增加9.6%,千粒质量增加20.9%,产量增加35.1%。可降解地膜和普通地膜间差异不显著。研究认为,以可降解地膜替代普通地膜应用于农业生产是可行的。


      Abstract: Aiming at reducing agricultural pollution caused by plastic film, effect of degradable film on soil temperature, soil moisture, maize growth and development, maize yield and relevant characteristics were studied through comparing with the plastic film and open field. The results indicated that soil temperature at surface and 10 cm depth in two months after sowing, soil moisture in 0-20 and >20-40 cm profile from sowing to big trumpet stage, were all higher for degradable film covering than open field. Growth progress, seedling rate, root number during shooting stage, plant height, leaf area and dry weight of maize in different stages were all higher for degradable film covering. Kernel number, thousand-grain weight, and yield of maize under degradable film covering were increased by 9.6%, 20.9%, 35.1% respectively. Degradable film did not show significant difference with plastic film, and it could be applied to agriculture instead of plastic film.


