
    Trend and impact factors of evaporation from shallow phreatic groundwater of bare soil on Huaibei Plain in China

    • 摘要: 为揭示淮北平原裸土潜水蒸发规律及机理,该文依据五道沟实验站1991-2008年潜水蒸发及水文气象观测资料,分析裸土潜水蒸发的年内分配规律以及随土质、埋深的变化趋势,采用累积距平曲线法和Mann-Kendall法联合检测了该区域年、季节时间序列的裸土潜水蒸发变化趋势,并用SPSS统计学软件分析不同气象要素对2种土质、不同埋深裸土潜水蒸发的影响。结果表明:黄潮土潜水蒸发量与砂姜黑土的潜水蒸发量比值随着埋深的增加在扩大;淮北平原裸土历年潜水蒸发量呈增加趋势,不符合“蒸发悖论”,春季对年潜水蒸发量增加的贡献率最大;气象要素对砂姜黑土和黄潮土的最大影响深度分别是0.4和1.0 m;在垂直方向上热量的年内传递过程与潜水蒸发量年内分配一致。该研究为准确把握潜水蒸发规律、更好的认识水文循环提供依据。


      Abstract: To reveal the law and mechanism of the bare soil evaporation on Huaibei Plain, using observation data from hydrological station of Wudaogou in the area of Huaibei from 1991 to 2008. The paper analyzed the monthly distribution of evaporation from the shallow phreatic groundwater in bare soil and the trend changing with soil texture and depth, determined the seasonal time series trend of evaporation from the shallow phreatic groundwater in bare soil of this region using the cumulative departure curve method combined with the Mann-Kendall method.The forces of phreatic evaporation was also explored by investigating several hydro-meteorological elements on the two kinds of soil texture and the depth of the impact using statistical software SPSS. The results showed that the ratio of evaporation between fluvo-aquic soil and lime concretion black soil expanded with the increase of phreatic depth. The evaporation quantity of bare soil on Huaibei Plain over the years increased in Spring giving the greatest contribution; however, it did not meet the “evaporation paradox”. For the lime concretion black soil depth at 0.4 m to shallow and fluvo-aquic soil at 1.0 m to shallow, it showed a significant correlation between phreatic groundwater evaporation and main meteorological factors. This indicated that the transfer process of geothermal heat in the vertical direction coincided with the evaporation distribution of the year. The results of the current study will be greatly beneficial to grasp the evaporation rules accurately and understand the hydrologic cycle better.


