
    Experimental study on effect of slope angle on equivalent friction coefficient of agricultural V-belt

    • 摘要: 为解决现有公式因忽略周向摩擦力与拉力不共线而导致V带当量摩擦系数计算不准确的问题,引入当量摩擦系数影响角。通过试验设计,采用补偿式位移型光纤传感器系统精确测量传动过程中带的径向位移,描绘V带真实运动轨迹,求得V带当量摩擦系数影响角,进而准确计算出V带当量摩擦系数。结果表明,在V带绕进到绕出主动轮的过程中,影响角值先逐渐减小而后又反向增大,当带轮角速度≤1?500 r/min时,影响角的绝对值<4.5o;当V带角速度为600 r/min时,V带当量摩擦系数从0.9594增大到1.0596,当V带角速度为1 500 r/min时,V带当量摩擦系数从0.9529增大到1.0601。准确计算V带当量摩擦系数将为估算农业机械设备中V带的承载能力、使用寿命,以及V带的合理选用提供理论依据。


      Abstract: The existed equation of equivalent friction coefficient of V belt has drawback due to the neglect to the deviation of the circumferential friction from the tension of the belt. It’s an effective way to calculate the equivalent friction coefficient by taking the slope angle into account. By adopting the displacement fiber optic sensors in the experiment to measure the radial displacement of V belt, the trajectory of the belt and the value of the slope angle were acquired, and then the equivalent friction coefficient of V belt was obtained. The results showed that from the entry to the exit point when the belt contacted the driving pulley, the slope angle firstly decreased gradually and then increased backward, the absolute value of the slope angle was less than 4.5o when the angular velocity of the pulley was smaller or equal to 1500 r/min; the equivalent coefficient of friction increased from 0.9594 to 1.0596 when the angular velocity of the pulley was 600 r/min, which increased from 0.9529 to 1.0601 when the angular velocity was 1500 r/min. To calculate the equivalent friction coefficient of V belt accurately can make the foundation of evaluating the capacity and service life and reasonable selection of V belt used in the agricultural machinery.


