
    Farmland environmental quality evaluation system for edible agricultural products based on WebGIS

    • 摘要: 为准确管理环境污染数据,评价环境质量水平,进而保障食用农产品安全,该研究基于对大气、农田土壤和灌溉用水的多年监测数据,利用数据库技术、WebGIS技术构建农业基础信息、农业气象、土壤养分、大气污染物、灌溉水污染物、土壤污染物6个网络空间数据库;并在国家食用农产品产地环境质量标准和国内外已有研究基础上,建立食用农产品产地的大气、土壤、灌溉水质量评价模型和土壤肥力评价模型;以Visual Studio2005和SupMapGIS为主要开发平台,综合数据库和模型库,以云南省建水县为研究区,建立基于WebGIS的食用农产品产地环境质量评价系统,系统实现了农业环境信息的远程咨询,环境污染物的空间分析,以及食用农产品产地的土壤肥力评价、环境污染的单因子和综合评价等功能,系统运行稳定、结果准确,该研究为进一步建立无公害食用农产品生产决策支持系统及食用农产品产地区划和农业生产决策提供参考。


      Abstract: In order to evaluate the farmland environmental quality for the edible agricultural product accurately and improve the edible agricultural product security. Agricultural environment of Jianshui county in Yunnan province was kept monitoring for consecutive years, six web-spatial databases were developed by WebGIS and database technology, including agricultural basic database, agrometeorology database, soil property database, atmospheric pollutant database, soil pollutant database, and irrigation water pollutant database. According to China national standard, farmland environmental quality evaluation standards for edible agricultural products, an evaluation model was developed to evaluate the environmental quality of atmosphere, soil, and irrigation water for edible agricultural product farmland. With the six databases and the evaluation model, an information service system based on WebGIS was developed by the tools SupMapGIS and Visual Studio 2005. The system can be used for the telematic of agricultural environment, spatial analysis of pollutant information, the evaluation of single pollutant in atmosphere, soil and irrigation water, and comprehensive evaluation of farmland environmental quality. This study can provide references for development of Decision Support System of non-pollution agricultural product planting and agricultural regionalization and decision- making in non-pollution agricultural production.


