
    Zoning and consolidation strategy for rural residential land in the areas around Bohai gulf in China

    • 摘要: 为制定农村土地整理规划和设计城市建设用地增加与农村建设用地减少挂钩项目提供决策依据,该文以环渤海地区327个县域为评价单元,从整理潜力、整理能力和整理迫切度3方面构建农村居民点用地整理分区的概念模型,利用熵值法确定权重并计算综合评价值,运用指标判别法将研究区划分为5种类型区。研究认为,优先整理区着重推进城镇化引领型的村庄整治模式;重点整理区依据组织整合、产业整合、空间整合的原则适时推行区域内部“城市建设用地增加与农村建设用地减少”相挂钩;优化调整区应以内部挖潜为主推进农村建设用地调整;适度整理区在整理过程中重点关注农村生态环境的改善;挂钩项目优选区应实施整域推进的区域整理模式,实现城乡等级体系重构和现代高效农业园区建设的有效结合。该研究有助于推进农村居民点用地有序整理和加快社会主义新农村建设。


      Abstract: In order to instruct new countryside construction, to remain the basic arable land at a safe level and to coordinate land use allocation between urban and rural areas, taking the 327 counties in the area around Bohai gulf as research units, a zoning model for the rural residential land was proposed based on the index discrimination method. First, according to the potential of land consolidation, the ability to adopt consolidation projects and the urgency for consolidation, 15 factors were selected to construct the evaluation index system and the conceptual model for zoning the rural residential land. Then, the entropy method and the index discrimination model were employed to attach the weights to the factors and to delineate the rural residential land respectively. Finally, five type zones, including the prior consolidation area, the key consolidation area, the optimal consolidation area, the moderate consolidation area and the preferred area were divided for “pothook project” based on the comprehensive assessment values and the division standards. For prior consolidation area with the highest urgency, its suitable consolidation model was the urbanization leading model. Population concentration, industrial agglomeration and scale land use was the suitable consolidation model for the key consolidation area, and intra-village intensification model was the main consolidation model for the optimal consolidation area. In the preferred area for the pilot project of linking urban and rural construction land change, agriculture was the top priority for consolidated land, and the main object for this type of area was to establish a new city-countryside relationship by restructuring rural space. In the moderate consolidation area, it was necessary to pay attention to ecological environment and ecological function. The study results revealed the current situation of rural residential land use. The optimization strategy is feasible to carry out consolidation projects, for it can contribute to protecting arable land, developing land consolidation plans, and implementing the pilot project of linking urban and rural construction land change.


