
    Determination of main fatty acid composition in fractionated olive oils by FTIR spectroscopy

    • 摘要: 为了测量从橄榄油中分提的高、低熔点油脂的脂肪酸成分,在4 000~600 cm-1 的范围测量了31个含有不同脂肪酸成分植物油的傅里叶变换红外光谱,用于建立偏最小二乘(PLS)回归分析校正模型。在油脂的傅里叶变换红外光谱变量和脂肪酸组成变量之间建立了交叉验证的PLS校正模型。为了校正油酸和亚油酸含量,在4?000~600 cm-1 的频率范围,经平滑,二阶导数,规范化处理的红外光谱获得了最好的交叉验证校正模型和最佳的预测结果。PLS校正模型预测结果表明,与高熔点橄榄油(油酸,72.29%,亚油酸,9.98%)相比,低熔点橄榄油含有较高的油酸含量和亚油酸含量(油酸,77.46%,亚油酸,12.51%),预测的结果与气相色谱测量的结果有很好的一致性。建立的PLS校正模型预测橄榄油的不饱和脂肪酸含量具有较好的相关性。该研究为分提油脂质量的判别评价提供了便捷的方法。


      Abstract: In order to estimate the fatty acid composition of low and high melting oils which were fractionated from virgin olive oil, the infrared spectra of 31 oil samples with different fatty acid composition were determined by FTIR spectroscopy in the region 4000-600 cm-1using single reflectance technique. Based on the analysis results, the partial least squares (PLS) calibration model was established. Cross-validated partial least squares calibration models were established between spectral variables and fatty acid composition variables. For the calibration content of oleic acid and linoleic acid, the whole spectral profile in the region 4000–600 cm-1 by smoothing, second derivative, and normalization treatment gave the best cross-validated calibration model and the best prediction results. The predicted results of the PLS calibration models showed that the low melting olive oil had higher contents of oleic acid and linoleic acid (oleic, 77.46%; linoleic, 12.51%) than those of high melting olive oil (oleic, 72.29%; linoleic, 9.98%), which were better consistent with the results of gas chromatography (GC). The established PLS model can predict the main fatty acid composition in fractionated olive oils. This study can provide a simple and rapid analysis method for quality evaluation of fractionated oils.


