
    Technology for two-phase anaerobic fermentation by solid-liquid separated solution of dairy manure

    • 摘要: 与单相沼气发酵相比,两相厌氧发酵具有有机负荷大、发酵稳定性高、水力停留时间短、产气效率高的特点,为了提高牛粪厌氧发酵效率,该文在中温(35±2)℃条件下对牛粪加水固液分离后分离液进行两相厌氧发酵试验研究,在发酵液体积为5L,总固体质量分数为6.60%,产酸相水力停留时间为3 d,产甲烷相水力停留时间为7 d,后发酵1 d的条件下,化学需氧量去除率达到52.81%,底物(以挥发性固体计)的产气率达到181.45 L/kg,研究结果为提高牛粪资源化利用效果提供了一定的参考价值。


      Abstract: Two-phase anaerobic fermentation has the advantages of high organic load and fermentative stability, low hydraulic retention time (HRT) and high biogas yield, compared with single-stage methane fermentation. In order to improve the rate of anaerobic fermentation of caw manure, two-phase fermentation was researched at (35±2)℃, which fermentative solution was from mixture of dairy manure and water by solid-liquid separation. Results showed that COD removal rate and biogas yield of substrates’ volatility solid content reached about 52.81% and 181.45 L/kg under the conditions of 3 d HRT of acidogenic phase and 7 d HRT of methanogenic with 1 d fermentation, which fermentation material was 5 L and TS concentration was 6.60%. The results can provide references for reclamation of dairy manure.


