
    Combined global-local interpolation method for regional groundwater level

    • 摘要: 利用趋势面分析法进行空间插值时估值趋势面光滑,对局部数据起伏较大的区域插值精度不理想。针对这一问题,该文基于非平稳地下水位数据,在用趋势面分析法进行空间插值的基础上,运用Yamamoto提出的修正的普通克里金法对区域残差进行了空间插值。将趋势面分析法的估计值与残差估计值相加,得到区域地下水位的空间分布规律。结果表明,采用这种整体与局部结合的组合插值方法,地下水位插值的结果比趋势面分析结果更接近实际情况,在保证全局最优的同时较好地解决了估值趋势面光滑、局部插值精度低的问题,更能真实地反映区域地下水位空间分布特征。


      Abstract: Trend surface analysis method for spatial interpolation presents a smoothed surface which may be very different from the real spatial distribution, especially for local area with distinct variable data. To solve this problem, a combined global – local interpolation method was proposed, which integrates the trend surface analysis method for global interpolation and the ordinary Kriging method with a post-processing procedure of Yamamoto to correct the smoothing effect for local interpolation. This combined interpolation method was used for the interpolation of regional groundwater level. The spatial distribution results using this combined approach were closer to the observed data. Therefore, the combined interpolation method not only ensured the global optimum but also corrected the smoothing effect of trend surface analysis and increased local estimation accuracy. The interpolation results can depict the distribution of groundwater level more precisely by integrating global and local information of observed data.


