
    Residual soil nitrogen estimation of black soil farmland at county scale in Heilongjiang province

    • 摘要: 掌握农田土壤氮残留量的时空变化特征,可以为土壤养分资源的宏观管理提供依据。该文根据农田土壤生态系统氮素收支平衡原理,基于1980~2004年《黑龙江省统计年鉴》数据,估算了作物收获后黑龙江省县域黑土农田土壤氮残留状况。结果表明,1982~2002年,黑龙江省农田土壤氮输入增加了77.8%,平均值为118.1 kg·hm-2;氮输出增加了72.1%,平均值为74.8 kg·hm-2。土壤氮残留(RSN)增加了86.2%,平均值为43.3 kg·hm-2。黑龙江省西部的RSN值显著高于东部。农田土壤氮残留量随时间渐趋增加,在非生长季节,大部分RSN都转化成硝态氮(NO3-),并通过径流和渗漏途径进入河流和地下水体,以及通过反硝化转化成氮气(N2O和N2)挥发进入大气,不仅造成氮资源浪费,还会危害生态环境。


      Abstract: Based on the theory of nitrogen “input – output” balance, the residual soil nitrogen (RSN) of the farmland in Heilongjiang province from 1980 to 2002 was estimate. The data were obtained from Heilongjiang Statistical Yearbooks, and parameters were acquired from recent references. Results showed that the N inputs (fertilizer, manure-N, biological fixation, and atmospheric deposition) increased by 77.8% from 1982 (83.7 kg/hm2) to 2002 (148.8 kg/hm2), mean value was 118.1 kg/hm2. N outputs (N removed in crop harvest, N lost from ammonia volatilization denitrification) increased by 72.1% from 49.8 to 85.7 kg/hm2, mean value was 74.8 kg/hm2, and RSN increased by 86.2% from 33.9 to 63.2 kg/hm2 in the same period. Regional difference was evident, for example, the RSN in west region of Heilongjiang province was higher than that in the east. The results were consistent with previous studies and actual situation. During the non-growing season, the surplus RSN could change to NO3, and lost by runoff, leached into rivers and groundwater or emitted into atmosphere as N2O or N2, which caused the waste of nitrogen resources and potential environmental risk. Quantification study on RSN with spatial and temporal scales in Heilongjiang province can provide a new method for the macro-management of N resources.


