
    Intelligent monitoring system for industrialized aquaculture based on wireless sensor network

    • 摘要: 为了解决规模化水产养殖中有线监控系统带来的不利影响,并能实现对环境因子的准确测量与控制,该文介绍了一种基于无线传感网的智能监控系统在规模化水产养殖中的应用。系统利用对协议栈进行小幅的修改,完成了人工设置每个养殖池为一个簇,并通过适当修改路由协议,将自动选择簇头的工作变为人工设置固定簇头,大幅减少节点本身的计算工作,从而实现节能目的。控制器利用模糊控制与神经网络相结合的算法对数据进行处理分析,实现闭环控制。结果表明,系统内数据通信通畅,温度误差在±0.5℃范围内,溶氧量误差在±0.3 mg/L范围内,pH值误差在±0.3范围内。各养殖关键环境因子均满足控制精度,达到了设计要求,能够满足规模水产养殖智能化的需要。


      Abstract: An intelligent monitoring system for the industrialized aquaculture was designed based on wireless sensors network, aiming to: avoid the negative effects brought by cable monitoring system; and improve the accuracy of the measurement and control of the environmental factors in industrialized aquaculture. Every breeding pond was set as one fixed cluster by small modifications of the protocol stack. A fixed cluster head was also set in every cluster by properly modifying routing protocol. All the modifications of protocol stack were helpful for reducing the amount of calculation in every cluster and saving energy significantly. According to combination of fuzzy and neural network algorithms, the controller accomplished the data processing. The controller generated corresponding control signals and realized the closed-loop control system. Further experimental tests showed that communications among the system ware realized reliably; and the requirements, such as the control precision of the temperature, the dissolved oxygen and the pH value, were perfectly met ±0.5℃, ±0.3 mg/L, and ±0.3 respectively. The application of the system can well meet the demands of modern industrialized intelligent aquaculture.


