
    RFID-based temperature monitoring system of frozen and chilled tilapia in cold chain logistics

    • 摘要: 为了提高冷链物流过程中品质控制,以罗非鱼为例,分析了冷链物流中温度监测需求与温度数据传输的业务流程;基于无线射频识别(RFID)技术,利用Visual Studio2005和SQL server2005,结合编码技术开发了冷链物流温度监控系统,并将货架期模型嵌入到系统中,实现了对运输后水产品的货架期预测。系统运行结果表明,该冷链温度监控系统能够满足企业管理部门及消费者对温度追溯的需要,不仅有利于保障水产品质量安全,还有利于提高供应链透明度。


      Abstract: In order to improve the quality-controled cold chain logistics, taken Tilapia as research object, temperature monitoring requirements in cold chain and data transmission process were analyzed. Based on RFID(radio frequency identification technology) with Visual Studio 2005 and SQL server 2005, the monitoring system was designed and developed combined coding technique. The shelf life model was embedded into system to predict the product shelf life after transportation. The test results showed that the system could meet requirements of temperature traceability from government and consumer, and protect the quality and safety of aquatic products.


