
    Soil dielectric characteristic determination based on microwave interferometry theory

    • 摘要: 土壤介电特性的测量对研究土壤品质与性质尤其是研究土壤水分至关重要,在土壤微波地基遥感试验中,土壤介电特性的测量也是必不可少的。该文利用C波段微波辐射计成功获取了8组不同湿度土壤的微波辐射干涉数据,在分析干涉原理的基础上,提出了基于土壤干涉数据的土壤介电常数的计算方法。通过干涉计算得到的土壤介电常数与DOBSON模型计算结果非常接近。土壤介电常数的干涉测量方法为土壤介电特性测量提供了一种选择。


      Abstract: The measurement of the soil dielectric properties is very important for researching the soil character and soil moisture. In the ground test of microwave remote sensing, the measurement of soil dielectric properties is the indispensable part. The soil microwave radiation interference data of different soil moisture content was measured successfully by using C band microwave radiometer. On the basis of interference principle analysis, a calculation method of soil dielectric constant was proposed by using the soil microwave radiation interference data. The soil dielectric constant accounted by means of interference method was very similar to the result computed by DOBSON model. In the process of the soil microwave radiation field trials, the interference measuring method can be taken as an optional method to measure the soil dielectric constant.


