
    Variation characteristics of rice water requirement in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River during 1961-2007

    • 摘要: 该研究利用长江中下游地区91个气象站点1961-2007年地面观测资料和63个农业气象试验站1981-2006年单季稻和双季稻的生育期资料,采用美国农业部土壤保持局推荐的方法计算了有效降水量,用联合国粮食与农业组织(FAO,Food and Agriculture Organization)推荐的方法分别计算了研究区域内单季稻和双季稻需水量,探讨了不同地区单季稻和双季稻的水分利用效率。研究结果表明:研究时段内长江中下游地区早稻和单季稻生育期有效降水量均表现为增加趋势,而晚稻生育期有效降水量表现为减少趋势;早稻、晚稻和单季稻生育期内需水量皆表现为减少趋势,其中单季稻和晚稻的需水量为显著减少;为满足水稻需水要求,研究区域内双季稻生育期内的灌溉量较单季稻多125?mm,但其水分利用效率在研究区域高于单季稻;从提高水分利用效率的角度来看,长江中下游地区总体更适宜种植双季稻。


      Abstract: Based on ground observation data from 91 meteorology stations during 1961-2007 and phenology data of single cropping rice and double cropping rice from 63 agrometeorology experimental stations during 1981-2006 well spread over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river, using the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation method and some methods recommended by Food and Agriculture Organization, the effective precipitation and rice water requirement were calculated and water use efficiency(WUE) of the supply irrigation(Is) for the double cropping rice and single cropping rice were analyzed. The results indicated that in study area, effective precipitation of the early season rice and single cropping rice were increasing, but the late season rice decreased along with global climate changes in study period. The early season rice, late season rice and single cropping rice water requirement showed a downward trend, and water requirement of single cropping rice and late season rice significant reduced. The supply irrigation water requirement of single cropping rice was less 125 mm than double cropping rice, but water use efficiency of double cropping rice was higher than that of single cropping rice at the study area. So from the perspective of WUE increasing, it is preferable to plant double cropping rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river.


