
    Coupling relationship of ecological agro-system with commodity under grain for green project in Ansai County

    • 摘要: 针对退耕还林还草工程实施后商品型生态农业系统耦合关系的变化情况,运用农业生态经济系统耦合度模型,对安塞县商品型生态农业系统耦合演变过程进行了分析。结果表明:商品型生态农业系统耦合演变过程可以划分为4个阶段:协调发展阶段、耗损发展阶段、胁迫发展阶段、恢复重建阶段。1998-2008年,安塞县商品型生态农业系统生态、经济综合指数明显增高,系统耦合演变过程经历了“胁迫衰退、恢复重建和协调发展”阶段。依据耦合度拟合曲线及所划分的耦合态势类型,目前安塞县商品型生态农业系统耦合关系处于不断协调过程中,通过优化农业资源结构,提高产业与资源一致性,有望形成良性耦合态势。


      Abstract: Based on changes in the coupling relationship of ecological agro-system of commodities (EASC) under “Grain for Green Project”, the coupling evolution of agricultural eco-economic system in Ansai County was analyzed by utilizing the coupling degree model. The results showed that the coupling evolution of EASC could be compartmentalized into 4 phases: coordinated development, worn development, stressed degeneration, and reconversion. The composite evaluation index of agricultural eco-economic system in Ansai County was enhanced significantly from 1998 to 2008. The coupling evolution in Ansai County had experienced the stressed degeneration, reconversion and coordinated development phase. According to coupling degree fitting curves and coupling type classification, the current coupling relationship of EASC in Ansai County was in continual harmonizing situation. In future, positive coupling situation would be formed by optimizing the structure of agricultural resources and enhancing the consistency between agricultural production and resources.


