
    Reclamation of coal mine subsidence area in loess hilly and gully regions

    • 摘要: 探索开发适宜黄土地貌和气候特点以及黄土丘陵采煤沉陷损伤规律的土地复垦模式,对于实现该区数量质量并重管理的耕地保护目标具有重要的现实意义。该文基于开采设计、沉降观测参数和MSAS软件,预测山西兴县斜沟煤矿一采区沉陷损毁土地面积为16.54 km2,损毁土地类型以耕地和草地为主,其中轻度破坏耕地面积3.70 km2,中度破坏耕地面积2.41 km2,重度破坏耕地面积0.17 km2。结合黄土丘陵沟壑低潜水位区土地损毁特征和区域生态保育和国土整治目标,拟对轻度破坏的1.65 km2耕地采用裂缝充填和土地平整复垦措施,按照集中连片的原则对轻度、中度和重度破坏的4.63 km2耕地采用坡改梯的土地复垦工程措施进行复垦,实现增加耕地面积0.40 km2,每年减少水土流失4.94万t,提高了耕地质量等级。研究认为,结合企业复垦资金和社会资金投入,按照集中连片的原则对采煤沉陷破坏的耕地采取坡改梯复垦是该区域损毁耕地复垦的有效模式。


      Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the reclamation pattern for mining subsidence area in Loess Hilly and Gully region according to land damage degree to achieve the goal of ecological restoration, which is of a significance in management and protection of cultivated land. Based on the MSAS software environment, combining with the mining design and observed parameter, we forecasted subsidence damage of first mining area in slope coal mine. The total area affected by mining was up to 16.54 km2, which dominated by grassland and cultivated land. In these damaged cultivated areas, there were 3.70 km2 of wild damage, 2.41 km2 of moderate damage and 0.17 km2 of severe damage. Therefore, in terms of the natural landscape pattern in the study area, it was suggested to take the fissure filling and the land leveling reclamation measures in the mild damaged arable land. Additionally, slop will be changed into terrace in accordance with the principle of contiguous focus on damaged cultivated land of 4.63 km2 in total. This reclaimed project would increase cultivated land area by 0.40 km2 and decrease the soil and water loss by 49 000 t/a. It is concluded that the reclamation pattern proposed in the study is an effective and significant way for restoring cultivated land and controlling soil and water loss in mining subsidence area.


