
    Analysis of decision-making mechanism of arable land use based on household object in Jingji plains

    • 摘要: 农户土地利用目标转型的影响因素及其决策机制的研究,是科学分析区域耕地资源质量和生产能力驱动变化的基础。该文选择京冀平原区的北京市大兴区和河北省曲周县为研究样区,以典型乡镇农户调研数据为基础,采用二项Logistic回归模型,分析农户家庭、农户收入、农户土地资源状况和农户区位条件等因素对不同类型农户耕地利用决策的影响。研究结果表明:曲周主要的农户类型为粮食和利润协调型,大兴的主要农户类型为粮食和利润协调型农户和利润需求型。研究区域农户为了获得更高的农业收益,偏好于增加耕地的劳动力投入、农药投入、复种指数较高。农户家庭农业劳动力数量、耕地面积、土地质量和交通通达度对农户做出“保证家庭消费粮食的基础上,增加经济收入”和“只是为增加更多的收入”的耕地利用目标决策有显著的积极作用,即对于粮食和利润协调型农户或利润需求型农户有积极作用;城镇影响度对农户从粮食和利润协调型向利润需求型过渡和转型有积极作用。


      Abstract: Research on the mechanism of decision-making and the influencing factors for the household land use transition is the basis to analysis the driving forces of change of regional arable land quality and land potential productivity. Daxing county in Beijing and Quzhou county in Hebei province were taken as the cases to analyze. the effects of such factors as household family conditions, household income, arable land quantity and quality, and location on the decision making for the different type of household by the Logit method on the basis of the data from questionnaire survey of household and spatial distribution of land use at typical village. The result showed that the major households in Quzhou were optimization of profit and yield(OPY) , the maximum profit(MP) and OPY in Daxing county. The households preferred to input the labor and arable land intensification to improve their profit. The affecting factors such as agricultural labor, arable land quantity, arable land quality and traffic impacting degree have positive effect on making a decision of “increasing income on the basis of ensuring grain for family consumption” or “only making much more money”. Thus, these factors have also positive effects on farm households’ transition from Maximum yield (MY) to OPY, while the urbanization impacting degree has positive effect on farm households’ transition from OPY to MY.


