
    Effects of extrusion cooking processing on physicochemical properties of aquafeed sinking pellets

    • 摘要: 为了规模化生产出低污染、高转化率的环保型水产沉性颗粒饲料,选用双螺杆挤压机对水产全价配合原料进行挤压熟化研究。以沉性水产硬颗粒饲料理化特性(膨化度、近似密度、糊化度、耐久性和水中稳定性)为重要指标,采用表面响应分析法研究了物料含水率(22%~38%)、套筒温度(70~170℃)和螺杆转速(73~107?r/min)对其挤压工艺和饲料理化特性的影响规律,SEM分析其微观结构。结果表明:物料含水率、套筒温度和螺杆转速均显著影响饲料的理化特性。中高物料含水率和套筒温度及低螺杆转速时,才能获得理想的沉性高熟化水产颗粒饲料,其理化特性具有低膨化度(1.14),高近似密度(757.6?g/L)、糊化度(879.5?g/kg)、耐久性(96.6%)和水中稳定性(88.7%)。SEM分析显示优化条件(物料含水率31%,套筒温度126℃,螺杆转速78?r/min)下生产的颗粒饲料结构光滑质密。该研究可为发展高效、低耗、低碳高品质沉性水产饲料研究和生产提供参考。


      Abstract: In order to large-scale produce a low-pollution, high conversion rate of eco-friendly aquafeed sinking pellets, the formula aquafeed was produced by extrusion cooking processing using a corotating twin-screw extruder, physicochemical properties (expansion ratio, sink rate, bulk density, starch gelatinization and pellet water stability index) of sinking aquafeed using as important index. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to investigate the effects of feed moisture content (22%-38%), barrel temperature (70-170℃) and screw speed (73-107?r/min) on physicochemical properties of sinking aquafeeds. And microstructure of aquafeeds was analyzed by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that feed moisture content, barrel temperature and screw speed all affected physicochemical properties of extruded aquafeed significantly. Desirable products, characterized by low expansion ratio (1.14), while high bulk density (757.6?g/L), starch gelatinization (879.5?g/kg), pellet durability (96.6%) and water stability index (88.7%), were obtained at medium to high feed moisture content, barrel temperature and low screw speed. SEM examination showed that the microstructure of pellets was smooth and firm, when in the optimal conditions (feed moisture content 31%, barrel temperature 126℃ and screw speed 78 r/min). The results can provide a reference for producing develop efficient, low consumption, high-quality, low-carbon sinking aquatic feed.


