
    Automatic optimization of impeller meridional shape for centrifugal pumps based on CFD

    • 摘要: 叶轮轴面图设计的好坏直接影响离心泵的效率。以轴面图上的前盖板圆弧半径R0和R1、前盖板倾角T1、后盖板圆弧半径R2、后盖板倾角T2等5个几何参数为自变量,以泵水力效率最大为目标,采用Isight集成Pro/E、Gambit和Fluent等软件,实现了对离心泵叶轮轴面图进行CFD全自动优化。优化样本数据设计采用最优拉丁方试验设计方法确定。采用该方法对一比转数为84.8的离心泵进行优化。结果表明:优化后的扬程比优化前提高了4.85%,且优化后的水力效率从83.20%增加到84.51%,提高了1.31个百分点。因此,建立的叶轮轴面图全自动CFD优化方法是可行有效的,可为离心泵的水力优化设计提供参考。


      Abstract: The design of impeller meridional shape influences directly efficiency of centrifugal pumps. A hydraulic optimum design method of impeller meridional shape for centrifugal pumps was presented. The shroud radius R0 and R1, shroud angle T1, hub arc radius R2 and hub angle T2 on the meridional shape were selected as the optimum variables and the maximum of hydraulic efficiency was chosen as the objective function. The Isight software was used to integrate Pro/E, Gambit and Fluent, and the CFD automatic optimization of impeller meridional shape was realized. Optimal Latin hypercube experimental design method was used to produce data samples. A centrifugal pump with special speed of 84.8 was optimized with the method. The results show that the optimized head has increased by 4.85% than that of original design and the optimized hydraulic efficiency increases from 83.20% to 84.51% which improved 1.31 percentage points. Therefore, the automatic CFD optimum method of impeller meridional shape for centrifugal pumps is feasible and could provide a certain reference for optimum design of other pumps.


