
    Planning for cultivated land leveling project in Tibe

    • 摘要: 为指导西藏农田土地平整工程建设的规范开展,根据西藏地形地貌、气候水文、土壤类型、农业耕作制度、土地利用限制因素等特性,采用典型案例分析法和实地调研法对西藏已规划实施的土地开发整理项目进行分析和归纳,并对有关西藏耕地的文献资料进行整理、消化和吸收,进而提出适合西藏土地平整工程建设的耕作田块修筑标准、土壤改良措施和工程量测算方法。该研究对西藏土地开发整理项目的成本控制和规范开展具有实际意义。


      Abstract: In order to offer guidance for cultivated land leveling project construction in Tibet, related problems were studied in this paper. According to the topography and physiognomy, climate and hydrology, soil types, farming system, and constrains of land use, using typical-case-analysis and on-the-spot investigation methods, the planned and implemented land development and consolidation projects in Tibet were analyzed and summarized. Based on the related literature reviews, the suitable cultivated field construction criterion, the soil improvement measures and the earthwork calculation methods were put forward. This research has significant practical meaning for the cost control and regulated development of land development and consolidation in Tibet.


