
    Experiment on killing and controlling cucumber pests by high voltage static electricity

    • 摘要: 为了减少农药对环境和农作物的污染,寻求物理防治农作物害虫的方法,该文利用高压静电灭虫原理,设计了一种采用高倍压整流升压电路的直流高压灭虫装置,确定了有效的灭虫电压。利用该装置产生的高压静电杀灭农作物害虫,并在黄瓜植株叶片上进行了试验。结果表明,利用高压静电能够杀灭黄瓜害虫,其对烟粉虱的灭虫效果为20.99%~26.27%,对瓜绢螟的杀灭率可达63.6%~70.4%。该研究可为物理防治农作物害虫设施的开发提供参考。


      Abstract: In order to reduce the pollution of crop and environment caused by pesticides, and seek for physical method to prevent and control pests, based on the principle of killing pests by high static electricity, a kind of pest-killing equipment using high voltage direct current circuit was designed, and an effective deinsectation voltage was identified. Field experiment on killing pests on the cucumber plant leaves was carried out. The experimental results showed that high voltage static electricity method can be used to kill pests and the deinsectation rate for cucumber louse pests was up to 63.6%-70.4%, and 20.99%-26.27% for the other pests. This research can provide a reference for developing equipment for pest prevention and control by using physical method.


