
    Effects of different drying methods on solubility of whole egg powder

    • 摘要: 为提高全蛋粉的品质和冲调性能,采用热风干燥,真空冷冻干燥、微波干燥、喷雾干燥和红外干燥对鲜蛋液进行干燥制粉,研究不同干燥方式对全蛋粉营养成分和润湿下沉性、水合能力、溶解指数、结块率及稳定系数等冲调性能关键评价指标的影响。结果表明:喷雾干燥全蛋粉的营养成分保留率最高,冲调性能最好,其中润湿下沉时间为198.24 s、水合能力为4.8516 mL/g、溶解指数为1.8525(转速为140 r/min)、结块率为18.08%、稳定系数为81.91%,且蛋粉颗粒呈海绵状的多孔结构,冲调后接近于全蛋液的原始组织状态;真空冷冻干燥全蛋粉的营养成分和冲调性能仅次于喷雾干燥全蛋粉;其次为红外干燥全蛋粉和微波干燥全蛋粉;而热风干燥全蛋粉营养成分损失较大,冲调性能较差,且蛋粉颗粒发生了明显的皱缩结块现象。综合分析得出,喷雾干燥全蛋粉的品质及冲调性能最优,进而为实现全价速溶全蛋粉提供理论依据。


      Abstract: To improve the quality and solubility of whole egg powder, the effect of five different drying methods (heated-air drying, vacuum freeze drying, microwave drying, spray-drying, far-infrared drying) on nutrition constituent and key evaluation indexes about solubility such as wetting sinking time,hydratability,coefficient of solubility,agglomerate rate and stability were evaluated. The results indicated that whole egg powder made by spray-drying has the highest nutrition retention rate and the best solubility, wetting sinking time was 198.24 s, hydratability was 4.8516 mL/g, coefficient of solubility was 1.8525 (revolving speed:140 r/min), agglomerate rate was 18.08 %, and coefficient of stability was 81.91%. Egg powder particles presented as spongy porous structure and its condition most likely to be original status. The quality and solubility of whole egg powder by vacuum freeze drying was inferior to that of made by spray-drying, and then the whole egg powder made by far-infrared drying and microwave drying. The whole egg powder made by heated-air drying has the lowest nutrition retention rate, the worst solubility, obviously shrinkage and agglomeration. Overall, it could be found that whole egg powder made by spray-drying has the best quality. This could provide a theory basis for producing instant whole egg powder.


