
    Technical-economic assessment on rural bio-energy utilization technologies in China

    • 摘要: 农村生物质能利用技术种类较多,确定各类技术的适用范围及经济性,有利于在农村地区选择合适的技术,促进生物质能利用技术在农村的开发利用。该文提出了户均用能成本的概念和计算方法,对农村户用沼气、养殖场沼气工程、固体成型燃料、秸秆沼气、秸秆气化集中供气等技术进行了技术经济评价。研究结果表明:农村户用沼气技术的经济性最好,其次为固体成型燃料技术,而秸秆气化集中供气技术的经济性最差。随着农村社会经济的发展,认为固体成型燃料技术将逐渐占主导地位,而秸秆沼气技术可以填补由于畜禽粪便短缺而带来的空白。


      Abstract: There are many kinds of bio-energy technologies in rural area, and it’s propitious to choose the right technologies and promote the development of bio-energy utilization technology in rural area through determining the application range and economic of various technologies. The paper brought forward the concepts and calculation method of per household living energy cost to finish technical-economic assessment on the rural household biogas, biogas engineering, biomass densified biofuel, crop straw biogas, straw gasification and other technologies . The research results showed that household biogas technology has best economic; the second is biomass densified biofuel technology, while straw gasification technology is the worst. Along with the socio-economic development in rural area, biomass densified biofuel technology will be the leading technology gradually, and straw biogas technology could fill the gap caused by shortage of livestock manure.


