
    Influence of feedstock pretreatment on biomass pyrolysis kinetics

    • 摘要: 为探讨水洗和酸洗等预处理方法对生物质热裂解动力学特性的影响,以水稻秸秆为生物质原料,使用去离子水和质量分数分别为3%、7%和10%的盐酸、硫酸和磷酸溶液对水稻秸秆进行水洗和酸洗处理,采用热重分析法考察了水洗和酸洗,以及酸浓度对水稻秸秆热裂解特性及综合性指数的影响,并采用Thermo-kinetics软件进行多元非线性拟合得到了热裂解过程的动力学参数,推测了热裂解动力学模型。试验结果表明:水洗及酸洗可使水稻秸秆的热解主反应区热重和微分热重曲线向高温侧移动,最大失重速率和最大失重温度升高;盐酸和磷酸溶液浓度对水稻秸秆热裂解特性的影响较小,而硫酸浓度的影响显著,并随浓度升高而增大;酸洗有利于水稻秸秆中挥发分的析出,可以脱除秸秆内的部分钾盐,3种酸脱钾盐的作用依次为:盐酸>硫酸>磷酸;热裂解热性综合特性指数受水洗和酸洗影响显著,并随酸浓度升高而变化;两步连续反应模型可较好地描述水稻秸秆的热裂解过程;水稻秸秆经去离子水和磷酸洗涤后,热裂解倾向于发生符合Avrami/Erofeev的n维成核反应或晶核成长反应,经盐酸和硫酸洗涤后,则倾向于发生n阶反应。


      Abstract: In order to investigate the influence of pretreatment methods such as water and acid wash on biomass pyrolysis kinetics, rice straw was selected as biomass feedstock, deionized water, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid, whose weight fraction were 3%, 7% and 10%, respectively, and deionized water were used to wash rice straw, and the thermal decomposition behaviors and comprehensive index of rice straw pyrolysis were analyzed through thermogravimetric analysis method. The thermo-kinetics software and multiple non-linear curve fitting method were adopted to calculate the kinetic parameters, and the model of pyrolysis kinetics was speculated. The results showed that water and acid wash can make TG and DTG curves of rice straw pyrolysis shift to higher temperature section, and the maximum weight loss rate and temperature increased. The impacts of the concentration of hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid were negligible, but that of sulfuric acid was significant which became obvious with the increasing concentration. Acid wash was in favor of the emission of volatile matters contained in rice straw, and can eliminate the K salt, the ability order of three acid was as follows: hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid. The thermal comprehensive characteristic index of pyrolysis decreased after rice straw was pretreated, and changed with the acid concentration. The two-step continuous model can descript the pyrolysis process of pretreated rice straw. Rice straw washed by deionized water and phosphoric acid tended to occur an n-dimensional nucleation/nucleus growth reaction according to Avrami/Erofeev, and that washed by hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid washing tended to occur an n-order reaction.


