
    Environmental effect and treatment measures of straw anaerobic fermentation project

    • 摘要: 秸秆沼气工程产生的沼液在储存和使用过程中会对周围环境构成污染,其主要表现为沼液储存过程中有害气体释放、沼液直排造成的水体污染、农田长期大量施用造成的重金属沉积和沼液渗滤造成的地下水恶化。完善秸秆沼气工程储液池结构减少有害气体排放、建设配套沼液后处理设施、科学施用沼肥、开发沼液增值产品是解决秸秆沼气工程环境危害和促使其健康发展的重要技术途径。


      Abstract: Harmful gas released from the fermented slurry during storage, water pollution caused by the fermented slurry discharged directly, heavy metal enrichment and groundwater pollution caused by overuse fermented slurry as fertilizer for a long time were the adverse effect of straw anaerobic fermentation project on the environment. Improving the fermented slurry tank to reduce and adsorb the harmful gas, constructing the equipment to decontaminate the excrescent fermented slurry, appyling fermented slurry as fertilizer with scientific guidance, and developing the new production from fermented slurry were important ways to avoid the adverse effect and promote straw anaerobic fermentation project evolution.


