
    Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on biomass amount and soil enzymes activity of desert grassland in Xinjiang

    • 摘要: 为了研究了施肥对荒漠草原生物量和土壤酶活性的影响,采用野外试验方法了解施氮肥对新疆石河子3个不同降水量荒漠草原地上生物量和土壤中脲酶、蛋白酶、蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶、多酚氧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性的变化情况。结果表明:与对照处理相比,施氮肥可以明显增加荒漠草原地区地上部分的生物量和6种土壤酶活性。施氮肥在高、中、低降水量地区的生物量增加比例分别为21.8%~31.2%,21.7%~39.3%,26.3%~31.4%。随着施肥后时间延长,施氮肥处理土壤脲酶、蛋白酶、蔗糖酶和碱性磷酸酶活性呈先增加后降低的趋势,多酚氧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性呈逐渐增加趋势。多酚氧化酶活性随土壤深度的增加呈现先增加后降低趋势,而其他5种酶随土壤深度的增加而降低。脲酶、蛋白酶、蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶随降水量的降低而下降,多酚氧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性在降水量中等地区最大。


      Abstract: In order to understand the effects of nitrogen fertilizer on biomass amount and soil enzymes activity of desert grassland,field experiments about nitrogen(N) fertilization on three different precipitation desert grasslands were carried out in Shihezi, Xinjiang ,China. Grass biomass amount and soil enzyme activity of urease, proteasse, invertase, alkaline phosphatase, polyphenol oxidase and catalase were explored. Results showed that grass biomass amount and soil enzyme activities of treatments with the application of N fertilizer increased. The grass biomass amount increased by 21.8%-78%,21.7%-39.3% and 26.3%-31.4% in higher, middle and lower precipitation areas , respectively. Soil enzyme activities of urease, proteasse, invertase and alkaline phosphatase with the application of N treatments increased at the beginning then decreased with days after the fertilizer applied, but polyphenol oxidase and catalase activities increased. Polyphenol oxidase activities increased at the beginning and then decreased with soil depth increasing,while other 5 enzyme activities decreased. Soil enzyme activities of urease, proteasse, invertase and alkaline phosphatase decreased with the decrease of precipitation, but polyphenol oxidase and catalase activities were maximum in middle precipitation area.


