
    End-loss and compensation of linear fresnel collectors

    • 摘要: 线聚光菲涅耳集热器的端部损失对其光学性能的影响非常重要。基于南北向菲涅耳反射镜场,该文从分析入射太阳光线与反射镜单元跟踪轴线之间的夹角出发,导出了反射光线到达接收器时在南北向偏离的距离(即端部损失)的计算公式。以北纬25°01′为例计算分析了在月平均日、春分秋分日和夏至冬至日的端部损失随反射镜单元焦距、反射镜距接收器的水平距离的变化情况,并通过光线跟踪模拟实验对春分秋分日的计算结果进行验证,两者十分吻合。同时,对端部损失的补偿方法进行了探讨。该研究方法和结果对如何减少线聚光菲涅耳集热器的端部损失具有实际指导作用。


      Abstract: The end-effect of a linear Fresnel collector is very important to its optical performance. Based on a north-south mirror field, the equation for estimating the end losses was derived from analyzing the angle between incident sunlight and the tacking axis of a reflecting mirror. For latitude of 25°01′N, as an example, variations of the end losses on monthly average days, solstices and equinoxes were calculated and plotted as a function of the mirror-receiver distances, horizontal distances from the mirror to the receiver and solar time. The calculated results were verified by ray-tracing simulation and the end-effect compensation was discussed. The theory and results of this study are of actual significant on how to reduce end losses of linear Fresnel collectors.


