
    Experiment on diesel engine emissions with tea seed oil fuel

    • 摘要: 植物能源已成为农用柴油机燃料的重要能源,在茶籽油作为S195型柴油机燃料进行的燃烧特性试验研究基础上,将茶籽油经过均质脱脂处理后在柴油机上作排放试验,进行了烟度、HC、NOx和CO的测定,并采用电子显微镜扫描测定废气碳粒的显微结构。结果表明:在柴油机结构基本不改变的情况下,柴油机燃烧经过技术处理的茶籽油或茶、柴混溶油是可行的,其柴油机燃烧茶籽油的燃烧性能好,排放优于柴油,燃烧室和喷油嘴的积炭减少,提高了柴油发动机燃烧质量。


      Abstract: Vegetable energy has become the essence fuel of farming diesel engine. On the basis of burning tea seed oil in the S195-diesel engine for burning performance, exhaust experiments burning degreased tea seed oil were taken on the smoke, HC, NOx, and CO. Electronic microscope was employed to determine the microstructure of carbon particle. Results showed that it was feasible to combust the preprocessed tea seed oil, or mixture of tea seed oil with diesel oil on the diesel engine. The burning performance was good, which the exhaust was less than that of diesel oil, and the carbon accumulated on the fuel jet reduced. So the combustion was more qualified.


