
    Process optimization of extraction and separation of water-soluble crude polysaccharide in yacon

    • 摘要: 为了考察雪莲果中粗多糖的较优提取分离工艺,采用水提取法提取雪莲果中多糖,以提取温度、料液比、提取时间、乙醇终浓度为影响因素,在单因素试验的基础上进行四因素三水平的正交试验。正交试验以粗多糖得率为考察指标,优化粗多糖的提取分离工艺。四因素中提取温度对试验结果影响最大,其次是乙醇终浓度和料液比,最后是提取时间。雪莲果粗多糖较优提取分离工艺为提取温度90℃,乙醇终体积分数为80%,料液比1∶20g/L,提取时间2 h。在此条件下粗多糖得率为5.11%,粗多糖的总糖质量分数为46.2%。


      Abstract: The optimum conditions for the extraction and separation of crude polysaccharide from yacon were studied in the paper. The crude polysaccharide was extracted by water. With extraction temperature, the ratio of material to solvent, extraction time, different concentrations of ethanol as influence factors, on the basis of single factor test, the orthogonal test was taken to study the optimum extraction and separation process of crude polysaccharide from yacon. Among the four single factors, extraction temperature had the greatest impact on the experimental results, followed by different concentrations of ethanol, the ratio of material to solvent, and the extraction time. The better conditions for the extraction and separation of crude polysaccharide from yacon were that the extraction temperature was 90℃, the final concentration of ethanol was 80%(v/v), the ratio of material to solvent was 1:20 g/L, and the extraction time was 2 h. Under these conditions, the extraction rate of crude polysaccharide was 5.11%, and polysaccharide content of crude polysaccharide was 46.2%.


