
    Design and experiment on walking vehicle driven by electric for farming

    • 摘要: 针对农村留守人员体质偏弱,田间道路运输难的问题研制了农用手扶电力驱动车。设计了改变轮的着地方式的结构,可实现3轮着地在宽路上行驶,或可实现1轮着地在窄路上行驶。应用了电力或人力作为车的驱动力。试验结果表明该车能顺利通过120 mm宽的道路,电力驱动下爬坡度可达13°,人力助动爬坡度可达17°,能够实现无级调速,平路行驶最大速度为2.86 m/s,与慢跑速度相当。


      Abstract: Nowadays, most of the people who live in rural areas in China are weak physique., so transportations on roads between fields are difficult. the walking vehicle driven by electric for farming was specially designed for Chinese farmers. The vehicle can be driven by both electric power and electric-man power. Owing to the special mechanical structure, it can be driven with 3 wheels on a wide road and one wheel on a narrow road. Tests conducted on the rural road showed that the vehicle can be driven through 120 mm wide roads and climb 13° slopes by electric power. It can even climb 17° slopes with electric-man power. Its speed can be adjusted by the operator. The maximum speed under the rating load on a flat road is 2.8m/s, roughly as fast as jogging.


