
    Regional runoff study based on MODCYCLE distributed hydrology model

    • 摘要: 为了分析区域产流时空变化规律以及不同下垫面的产流特征,采用了具有物理机制的分布式水文模型——MODCYCLE模型,并以天津市为例进行深入研究。该模型在综合考虑土壤、下垫面条件、降雨条件等多方面因素的基础上,采用修改后具有地表积水机制的Green-Ampt方程计算产流量。计算结果表明,1)1997-2004年天津市8 a平均总产流系数约为16%,其中陆面产流系数不足10%。2)陆面产流主要集中在北部山区、中心城区及东部沿海地区;水面产流主要集中在中部及东南部地区。3)陆面产流中城市区产流系数最大,8a平均为44.1%;农村居民地的产流系数也较大,为24.5%;天然林草和河滩地的产流系数不足10%,农田由于田埂的作用几乎不产流。


      Abstract: In order to analyze temporal and spatid variation law and distributed features of regional runoff on different underlaying surface, MODCYCLE model, which is a distributed hydrology model with physical mechanism and recently developed by department of water resources in IWHR, was used in a case of study of Tianjin. On the base of considering the soil, land use and precipitation characteristics, MODCYCLE model applied the revised Green-Ampt equation with pond water system to calculate runoff. Results showed that: 1) Average runoff coefficient was about 16% on whole region between 1997 and 2004 in Tianjin, but the coefficient on land area was less than 10%. 2) The runoff on land area was mainly focused on northern hilly, central urban area, and eastern coastal regions, but the runoff on water was mainly focused on central and southeast areas. 3) Between coefficients of some parts on land area, the coefficient of urban area was biggest, up to 44.1%, the coefficient of residential-low density area was also bigger, as 24.5%, but coefficients of forest and grass were less than 10%, the farm land had almost no runoff because of the field ridge.


