
    Light intensity real-time monitoring system for ginseng under forest

    • 摘要: 为了自动实时监测和记录林下参基地光环境的光照强度,利用TSL2561对可见光敏感特性、ATMega16L具备I2C和SPI总线功能,设计了单个主机、10个从机组成的林下参光照强度实时监控系统。主机利用通讯总线外挂10个从机,通过2~10号从机采集9个林下试验单元单点光照强度。通过5套由单个主机、10个从机组成的系统组合,实现对试验单元多点测试。利用MATLAB设计上位机控制系统,实现实时调整试验单元光照强度数据采集的采样周期,通过对比以10、20、30、40、50、60 min为采样周期获取的数据,得出30 min作为采样周期,可以真实反映数据变化趋势且采样点最少。整个系统实现了作为所测地区光照强度数据库的功能,为后续建立林下光环境预测模型和分析人参光合作用变化规律提供保障。


      Abstract: In order to automatically real-time monitor and record light intensity, a monitoring system of light intensity for ginseng under forest was designed by using TSL2561 and ATMega16L. The system included one master and ten slavers micro-computers connected by system bus. The the second to the tenth slavers were used to get the light intensity in nine experimental sites, and more locations were measured through five monitoring systems. The real-time control system in the principal computer was designed by using MATLAB software. Through adjusting the sampling period of real-time control system in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes, the 30 minutes sampling period was thought as ideal sampling interval which had less measuring points and could better reflect the changes of the light intensity. The whole system has the database function for measuring light intensity of the region, and the results can provide convenience and guarantee for establishing the forecast models of forests light environment and analyzing the variability of ginseng photosynthesis rules.


