
    Comparison of reactive power optimization control between local and system on distribution lines

    • 摘要: 针对就地控制策略的不足,该文提出一种系统控制策略,即一种采用考察整条线路无功补偿效果的控制策略。在补偿容量和补偿位置确定的条件下,通过控制电容器的投切达到配电线路无功运行优化的目的。对基本TS算法作了改进,以网损最小为目标进行无功优化控制。用.NET编写程序,比较了2种控制策略下,某条10 kV线路日无功负荷水平时段的电容器投切、有功损耗以及电压情况。计算结果表明,在相同的安装位置和补偿容量下,系统控制策略对配电线路的降损节能效果更显著。


      Abstract: For the shortage of local control strategy, a systematic control strategy considering reactive power compensation effect of the whole line was proposed in this paper. In the case of the compensation capacity and location determined, the goal of optimal reactive power running by controlling the capacitor was achieved, and an optimal capacitor switching model established which aimed at a minimum network loss. The model was solved by an improved TS algorithm. Capacitor switching, power loss and voltage conditions were solved with the above two strategies programmed by. NET, and compared under reactive power load level of a 10 kV line in a given period of time on a certain day. The results showed that the systematic control strategy had a more pronounced effect of the energy conservation on distribution lines under the same compensation position and capacity.


