
    Design and experiment on portable shear tester for crop stalks

    • 摘要: 为了能方便准确地测定农作物茎秆的剪切力学特性,设计了一种手动与电动两用便携式农作物茎秆剪切仪。该仪器以交流电动机或发条驱动装置作驱动机构,以STM32单片机为核心组成嵌入式控制平台,由拉/压力传感器采集压力信号,压力曲线等试验结果可以实时显示和SD卡存储,同时还能完成做功、最大压力等参数的计算。试验结果表明,该剪切力测试仪精度达到0.84%,工作稳定可靠。该仪器可满足作物茎秆剪切力检测的要求,为进一步研究农作物茎秆的力学性能提供了方便。


      Abstract: In order to determine the shearing properties of crop stalks conveniently and accurately, a portable manual/electricity controlled shear tester was developed. In this system, the AC motor or spring was used as actuators, an embedded system based on STM32 MCU was used as control platform, and a pull pressure transducer was used to collect pressure?signal. The pressure curves or other experimental results can be displayed in terminal and stored in SD card in real time, the work and maximum values could also be calculated concurrently. The experimental results showed that this system was credible and?stable, and the accuracy reached 0.84%.This system can meet the requirement of shearing force detection and is convenient to the study of mechanical characteristics for crop stalks.


