
    Improvement of inverted pendulum test bench for inertial parameters measurement based on virtual prototype

    • 摘要: 针对倒立摆惯性参数测量实验台,提出了一种能快速获取被测物体质心坐标和惯性参数矩阵的测量流程及数据处理方法。利用ADAMS软件建立了倒立摆惯性参数实验台虚拟样机,并进行了虚拟测量,分析了台架转动部分质心相对于转轴的偏置量和自身转动惯量对测量精度的影响。结果表明:减小台架自身转动惯量和转轴偏置量能显著提高测量精度。在此基础上,设计了一种测试物体全惯性参数的无偏置轴倒立摆实验台,利用该实验台对动力总成进行了测量,获得了其质心位置和完整惯性矩阵。该实验台的设计为快速、准确地获取复杂部件的完整惯性参数提供了条件。


      Abstract: A new measurement flow and data processing method for inertial parameters by using inverted pendulum test bench was proposed, which could efficiently identify the center of mass and inertial matrix of tested object. By utilizing ADAMS, the virtual prototype of inverted pendulum test bench for inertial parameters measurement was established and simulation was done. The results showed that the accuracy could be obviously improved by decreasing the shaft offset and the moment of inertia of the test bench. Furthermore, a non-bias axis inertial pendulum test bench was designed. Finally, the inertia parameters of a vehicle powertrain including mass center and inertia matrix were identified. The system can provide conditions to obtain the inertial parameters of complex components efficiently and accurately.


