李 霞, 付俊峰, 张东兴, 崔 涛, 张 瑞. 基于振动减阻原理的深松机牵引阻力试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(1): 32-36.
    引用本文: 李 霞, 付俊峰, 张东兴, 崔 涛, 张 瑞. 基于振动减阻原理的深松机牵引阻力试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(1): 32-36.
    Li Xia, Fu Junfeng, Zhang Dongxing, Cui Tao, Zhang Rui. Experiment analysis on traction resistance of vibration subsoiler[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(1): 32-36.
    Citation: Li Xia, Fu Junfeng, Zhang Dongxing, Cui Tao, Zhang Rui. Experiment analysis on traction resistance of vibration subsoiler[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(1): 32-36.


    Experiment analysis on traction resistance of vibration subsoiler

    • 摘要: 为了减少深松时的牵引阻力,基于振动深松原理,研制出了1SZ-460型振动深松机。该文对振动深松减阻进行了试验分析研究,采用以振动作为单因素的试验设计,分别在不同作物残茬覆盖条件下进行试验。试验结果表明,振动深松和不振动深松的沟槽剖面宽度不同,振动后沟底形成了鼠道利于蓄水保墒,振动后土壤的体积质量减小,振动牵引阻力比不振动降低6.9%~17%,且不同的土壤特性和地表覆盖对牵引阻力会有一定的影响。试验结果为进一步优化机械结构、提高整机的动力和经济性能提供一定的参考依据。


      Abstract: A vibration subsoiler model 1SZ-460 was developed based on vibration principle in order to reduce the traction resistance. Vibration was selected as the main factor for the experimental design, and field experiments were carried out in different stubble of crop. The results showed that the groove profile width was quite different for vibration and nonvibration operations. Subsoiling operation with vibration gave an help to form the rat way to store water, and reduce soil bulk density.Traction resistance with vibration was 6.9%-17% less than that of non-vibration, and the traction resistance was also affected by the differences of soil characteristics and land coverage conditions. The results provide a reference for further study on soil subsoiling as well as mechanical structure optimization .


