赵 煜, 韦真博, 王 俊. 电子舌信号与理化指标的信息融合区分不同养殖水的研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(1): 153-160.
    引用本文: 赵 煜, 韦真博, 王 俊. 电子舌信号与理化指标的信息融合区分不同养殖水的研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(1): 153-160.
    Zhao Yu, Wei Zhenbo, Wang Jun. Detection and analysis of fish culture water by electronic tongue[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(1): 153-160.
    Citation: Zhao Yu, Wei Zhenbo, Wang Jun. Detection and analysis of fish culture water by electronic tongue[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(1): 153-160.


    Detection and analysis of fish culture water by electronic tongue

    • 摘要: 为优化金鱼的养殖环境,应用电子舌结合理化指标对不同的金鱼养殖水进行了跟踪分析和研究。采用离子选择型电子舌对金鱼养殖水进行了检测,同时采用化学方法检测了养殖水的常用理化指标;通过主成份分析、聚类分析和典型判别分析3种模式识别方法,对不同养殖密度和不同养殖天数的金鱼养殖水进行了分析和区分,并探讨了电子舌信号与理化指标进行融合区分不同金鱼养殖水的能力。结果表明:将电子舌信号与理化指标的融合可有效区分不同的金鱼养殖水。在选取适当的模式识别方法的前提下,单独使用电子舌信号即可有效区分不同养殖密度和不同养殖天数的金鱼养殖水:采用典型判别分析方法,电子舌具有极强的区分不同养殖密度和不同养殖天数的养殖水的能力;而采用主成份分析方法,电子舌基本具有区分不同养殖密度和不同养殖天数养殖水的能力,若将电子舌信号与理化指标进行融合,则其区分能力将大大增强;采用聚类分析方法,电子舌信号、电子舌信号与理化指标融合的区分能力均最差。该文研究结果可为金鱼的养殖环境的检测分析提供参考。


      Abstract: In this research, an electronic tongue was employed to distinguish goldfish’s cultured water. Three pattern recognition methods were used, which were principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis (CA) and canonical discriminant analysis (CDA), and different cultured density and different cultured day were distinguished by data obtained by e-tongue and physico-chemical index. By results comparison of these three methods, different cultured density and different cultured day could be better distinguished by CDA, and could also be distinguished by PCA combined with physico-chemical index. However, different cultured water could not be distinguished by CA effectively. The results also showed that e-tongue can be employed to distinguish different cultured water by CDA and PCA.


