
    Land use characteristics and its spatial distribution of Songnen High Plain based on quantitative geography model

    • 摘要: 研究土地利用特征及其空间布局是实现区域土地合理开发和利用的基础。该文以松嫩高平原典型地域黑龙江省巴彦县为研究区,以2006年巴彦县土地利用变更调查矢量数据库为基础,运用计量地理模型和现代地理信息空间分析技术相结合方法,探讨使用土地利用总体组合类型、土地利用综合程度及各地类的区位意义,来表征巴彦县18个乡镇土地利用的数量特征,进而分析其空间布局特征等。结果表明:研究区土地利用的数量特征总体存在一定的差异性,土地利用组合类型表现为土地整体功能较弱,土地利用程度高低不一,各地类中耕地和水域的区位意义较为突出;空间格局的总体特征表现为各地类斑块的形状总体较为复杂,其中耕地、林地的形状较规则且分布集中连片,为该区域的景观基质,未利用地、其他农用地和园地的分布最为离散。


      Abstract: The study on the land use characteristics and its spatial distribution is the foundation of realizing the reasonable exploiting and utilization of regional land. Taking Songnen High Plain typical region Bayan county as the research area, based on the vector data base of land use change survey of Bayan county in 2006, combining the methods of quantitative geography model and modern geographic information space analysis technique, the paper explored using the land use overall combination types、land use comprehensive degree and the regional meanings of each land use type to express the quantity characteristics of land use of the eighteen towns of Bayan, so as to analysis the spatial distribution characteristics. The results showed that land use quantity characteristics existed certain differences in overall, the land use combination type of the 18 towns showed weakly for the overall land function. Land use degrees showed a big difference, and the regional meanings of cultivated land and water area were prominent relatively. The general characteristics of spatial distribution showed relatively complex of all the patch shapes. The cultivated land and forest land were relatively regular and intensively distributed, which were regional landscape matrix,while the unused land and other agricultural land distribute most discretely.


