
    Preparation and nutrient properties of texturized rice by hotpressing gelatinization technology

    • 摘要: 为弥补食用精白米导致营养不良的状况,以大米加工过程中产生的碎米作为原料和载体,产生的米糠作为天然营养强化剂,采取热压凝胶法制备营养质构米。在预试验的基础上,采用响应面法考察热压凝胶过程条件包括喂料含水率,螺杆转速,5个加热区机筒温度对营养质构米的质构和营养特性的影响,得出制备最佳工艺条件:当喂料转速为30 r/min,米糠添加量为4%,物料含水率为30%,螺杆转速为17.7 r/min,5个区机筒温度分别为50,65,85,100,95~97℃。在此条件下制备的营养质构米含有质量分数总膳食纤维11.44 %,蛋白质11.62 %,脂肪6.49 %,而维生素为B1 2.07 μg/g,维生素B2 0.31 μg/g和γ-谷维素12.04 mg/100g。相比于天然精白米,质构特性相近,但维生素B1,维生素B2,γ-谷维素分别增加了1.17,0.06,5.83 μg/g,为营养质构米工业化生产提供参考。


      Abstract: In order to make up the malnutrition resulting from eating polished rice in long term, texturized rice (TR) was prepared by the method of hotpressing gelatinization technology (HPGT) using broken rice, rice bran as raw material and natural additive. The effects of HPGT conditions, including feed moisture, screw speed and barrel temperature on the texture and nutrient characteristics of TR were investigated by response surface methodology based on previous trials. When feed rate was 30 r/min and bran addition level was 4%, the independent variables were feed moisture (30%), screw speed (17.7 r/min), five heating zones barrel temperature (50℃, 65℃, 85℃, 100℃, 95-97℃), the processed TR contained TDF 11.44%, protein 11.62%, fat 6.49%, thiamin 2.07 μg/g, riboflavin 0.31 μg/g, γ-oryzanol 12.04 mg/100 g. The results showed that the texture properties of TR were similar to polished rice. The total dietary fiber for TR was increased by 10.74% and the nutriments for thiamin, riboflavin, γ-oryzanol were increased by 1.07, 0.06, 5.83 μg/g, respectively. The research can provide references for industrial production of TR.


