Exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of a diesel passenger car and a diesel minibus on road were measured to investigate the vehicle emissions and fuel consumption with ethanol-butanol-diesel blends. The experimental data from the car fueled with an E10 blend that contains 10% ethanol and 4% butanol by volume, was compared with those from the fossil diesel, it resulted in decreases of 10.42% in NOX emissions, 27.43% in HC+NOX emissions and 2.13% in PM emissions. The fuel consumption also declined by 7.66% and 3.71% under the car in constant velocity conditions of 90 and 120 km/h, respectively. Nevertheless, the results showed increases of 31.43% in CO emissions and 4.48% in fuel consumption for the car in terms of New European Driving Cycle or NEDC. Yet the E10 mixture in the minibus reduced the emissions of free acceleration exhaust smoke by 31.11%. This research demonstrates the practical applications of ethanol-butanol- diesel blends for improving vehicle emissions and fuel consumption.