
    Research progress of real-time measurement of soil attributes for precision agriculture

    • 摘要: 为了开发土壤成分田间实时测定仪,在分析土壤养分实时测定需求的基础上,归纳了土壤主要成分测试项目及常规化学分析法、基于光电分色和电化学传感器测定法、土壤电导率间接测定法,重点对近红外光谱分析法测定土壤成分的基本原理、实验室研究、仪器原型开发和田间试验结果等进行论述。所阐述的方法、仪器原型和提出尚需解决的几个科学问题,对研究、开发土壤成分实时测定仪具有一定的指导作用和参考价值。


      Abstract: In order to develop a real-time analyzer for soil attributes, the needs for real-time measurement of soil attributes were analyzed and major soil attributes to be measured in soil testing and commonly-used testing methods were reviewed, including traditional chemical analysis, methods based on electro-optical dispersion and electrochemical sensors, and indirect measurement of soil electrical conductivity. Emphasis was given to the review of the basic principles, laboratory studies, prototype development, and field experiments of near-infrared spectroscopic. The described methods and prototype instruments and the proposed scientific problems to be solved in this paper will be useful and provide important guidance for research and development of real-time analyzers for soil attributes.


