
    Remote sensing analysis of vegetation restoration in key ecological construction areas of Shaanxi province

    • 摘要: 该文应用像元分解模型,利用250 m分辨率MODIS NDVI定量估算了2000~2010年陕西省的植被覆盖度,分析了该省重点生态建设工程区(防沙治沙工程区、退耕还林工程区、天然林保护工程区)植被覆盖度的时空变化特征。结果表明:1)陕西省重点生态建设工程区2010年的植被覆盖度比2000年增加了8.3%~23.2%。2)2000~2010年各个生态建设工程区的植被覆盖度变化都呈现在波动中缓慢上升的趋势(P<0.01),线性倾向变化百分率以防沙治沙工程区最高(83.8%),其次是陕北退耕还林工程区(61.1%)。3)各个生态建设工程区植被覆盖度以增加为主,植被覆盖度线性倾向变化增加的面积占相应工程区面积的82.8%~98.2%。4)各个生态建设工程区高覆盖度植被所占的面积比例具有极显著的上升趋势(P<0.01),低覆盖度植被所占的面积比例具有极显著的下降趋势(P<0.01)。通过重点生态建设工程的实施,工程区内植被覆盖状况显著改善,防沙治沙工程区和陕北退耕还林工程区植被覆盖度增加尤为显著。该研究可为客观评价陕西省防沙治沙工程、退耕还林工程、天然林保护工程的生态效益提供科学依据。


      Abstract: Based on pixel decomposition model, this paper managed to get the fractional vegetation cover (FVC) of Shaanxi province form 2000 to 2010 with MODIS NDVI at a resolution of 250 m, and analyzed the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of FVC in key ecological construction areas (grain for green Program, desertification prevention and control project, natural forest protection project) of Shaanxi province. The research results indicated that: 1) The FVC in key ecological construction areas of Shaanxi province in 2010 increased 8.3% to 23.2% compared with 2000. 2) The FVC in key ecological construction areas showed an upward trend with fluctuation (P<0.01). The percentage change in linear trend of the desertification prevention and control project areas (83.8%) was the highest, and grain for green program in north Shaanxi (61.1%) was the next. 3) The FVC in each ecological construction areas mainly increased, and the areas with an upward vegetation coverage linear trend accounted for 82.8% to 98.2%. 4) The percentage of high FVC areas had a notable increase trend, and the percentage of the low FVC areas had a notable decrease trend. The FVC in the ecological construction areas were improved noticeably though the construction of key ecological construction, especially in desertification prevention and control project areas and grain for green program in north Shaanxi.


