
    Improvement of okara mouthfeel by Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae fermentation

    • 摘要: 豆渣作为豆制品生产的副产品,富含营养。为了解决豆渣颗粒大,口感差,难以直接食用的问题,该文对利用黑曲霉和米曲霉发酵豆渣降低其粒度分布进而改善其口感、增加其可食性进行了研究。结果表明:利用黑曲霉和米曲霉在28℃,相对湿度为95%的条件下发酵,能使渣感减弱,吞咽变易,口感明显改善;对发酵10 d后豆渣的外观形态、显微镜观察、粒度分布进行考察,均一致表现为发酵后豆渣颗粒显著变小;黑曲霉发酵豆渣对渣感的降低效果好于米曲霉发酵豆渣和未发酵豆渣;发酵使豆渣颗粒变小是口感改善的主要原因;口感改善的根本原因是发酵豆渣过程中所产生的纤维素酶和半纤维素酶降解了豆渣中的纤维素和半纤维素,导致豆渣颗粒变小的缘故。该研究对豆渣的综合利用提供了新途径。


      Abstract: Okara is the byproduct of soy product with rich protein, dietary fiber, mineral, but it is not welcomed as edible soy product mainly because of its poor mouthfeel. In this research, Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger were used to ferment okasa in order to reduce the particle size distribution and improve the mouthfeel of fermented okara. The results showed that both strains improved the mouthfeel of okara through fermention at 28℃, relative humidity 95%. After fermention with Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger, the particle size of okara decreased. The morphological analysis also showed the reduced particle size of fermented okara. Furthermore, the cellulase and hemicellulase activity were detected in the okara fermented by Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger for 3 and 10 days, which suggested that the both strains could induce the generation of celluase and hemicelluase in okara and lead to reduced particle size of fermented okara. The research can provide a new method for the unilization of fresh okara.


