
    Application prospects of organic RFID tags for animal food tracing

    • 摘要: 无线射频识别(RFID)标签的高成本一直制约着RFID技术的普及应用,有机RFID标签因其成本较低而备受各国关注。该文对新型有机RFID标签在动物食品溯源过程应用的特点进行分析,并与传统的条码、无机RFID标签进行比较。对动物性食品溯源系统的各主要环节特点及其对标签技术的需求进行论证,并对3种标签技术在各环节中的应用进行分析,提出在溯源过程中引进有机RFID标签降低成本,以促进动物性食品追溯技术的广泛应用。


      Abstract: The high cost of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags has restricted the wider application of RFID technology. Organic radio frequency identification tags have gained considerable attention because of their low cost processing. The characteristic of organic RFID tags was analyzed in this paper. The differences of the traditional barcode, RFID and organic RFID tags were compared. Characteristics of main steps of the traceability processing of animal food, needs of traceability technology and application of the three tags were analyzed. The results showed organic RFID will be help for reducing cost and promote the animal food traceability technology.


